Wednesday, February 18, 2009

15 weeks

I just came upon my 15th week yesterday. I'm over the nausea, so happy, but I'm still extremely tired. The time is going by fast but at the same time very slow. I have been craving dill pickle chips like crazy but of course they don't sell them down here in Florida. I ask people about them and they look at me like I am nuts, they are like what are those! Hopefully my little sister will get on the ball and send me some like I have been asking her, hint hint, haha.

Not much else going on. Jeremy is 42 on the list but should be pushed up soon on account of him getting another physical to replace the one they lost. We are busy busy now that it is season, traffic is crazy and old people and tourists everywhere.

Bubba and Rizzy are doing good. We just got them new beds so they don't seem to move from them very often, well Bubs anyway. They are huge, I didn't really realize this until our friend brought his new dog over and Bubba was standing next to the dog and Bubba was probably twice his size. I hope they will do well with the baby. I think they will, they have been around kids before but not for an extended time.

This is a picture of Bubba after he got ahold of a pacifier of a boy that Jess was baby sitting, we found him in his bed with it and I had to take a picture of it.


Thursday, February 5, 2009


Here are some names we have in mind. We have yet to find out the sex, hopefully next month!



Let me know what you think, always open to suggestions.

Monday, February 2, 2009

First Doctor's Appointment

We went to our first doctor's appointment. I'm 12 weeks, he determined the due date August 11, a week after my birthday! He gave us alot of great information and answered all of our questions, believe me we had a lot. He told me that I only have about a week or two left of the nauseousness and being so tired, I'm so excited for that!

Towards the end of the appointment he pulled out his doppler machine and squirted that cold gel on my stomach, we waited and waited while he tried to find the heartbeat. I was starting to get a little scared and thinking why can't we hear it, what is going on. Then he simply said well maybe next time. I was so letdown. We go back on the 23rd of February so I'm hoping we get to hear it or atleast get an ultrasound then.